Guru Purnima: Religious Tour

The Guru can make a big difference in one’s life. I can say this because I have experienced that impact in my own life—warm wishes on Guru Purnima. This blog is dedicated to Dr Avdhoot Shivanandi, the spiritual Guru on…

Good Governance Day, Varanasi Tourism Aktha, Sarnath

Good Governance Day, Varanasi Tourism Aktha, Sarnath Good Governance Day: India observes Good Governance Day on former prime minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee’s birth anniversary on December 25. Atal Bihari Vajpayee was a great statesman, poet and a compassionate leader. Good…

National Tourism Day 2021- Varanasi Travel

National Tourism Day 2021- Varanasi Travel ( The Second Online Travel, Varanasi )         National Tourism Day in India is celebrated every January 25 to promote the tourism industry in the country, and to recognise the contribution of the sector in the growth and sustainability…

National Religious Freedom Day 16, January – Varanasi Travel

National Religious Freedom Day 16, January  – Varanasi Travel ( the Second Online Travel, Varanasi , Uttar Pradesh, India ) The President of the United States annually declares January 16 to be National Religious Freedom Day. The goal of this…

Happy School Day of Non Voilence
School Day of Non-violence ,January 30- Varanasi Travel & Tour
Schoold Day of Non- Violence
Love and compassion are the greatest source of strength to let go of the mentality of harming a living being. Wish you a prosperous School Day of non-violence and peace. Varanasi Travel & Tour near Usha Guest House Aktha Varanasi                                               School Day of Non-violence ,January 30- Varanasi Travel & Tour
                                                               ( The Second Online Travel Varanasi near Usha Guest House, Aktha)
School Day of Non-violence and Peace takes place on January,30 every year. The School Day of Non-violence and Peace, is an observance founded by the Spanish poet Llorenç Vidal Vidal in Majorca in 1964 as a starting point and support for a pacifying and non-violent education of a permanent character. This Day was the initiative of the pedagogue and thinker Llorenç Vidal in 1964 and is known as “Dia Escolar de la No-violència i la Pau” (DENIP) in Catalan. Its goal is to integrate the values of harmony, tolerance, solidarity, respect for the rights of man, nonviolence and peace within education. Different as the first proposed by the UNESCO “Armistice Day” in 1948, the “School Day of Non-violence and Peace” is observed on January 30 or thereabouts every year, on the anniversary of the death of Mahatma Gandhi, in schools all over the world. In countries with a Southern Hemisphere school calendar, it can be observed on 30 March. Its basic and permanent message is: “Universal love, non-violence and peace. Universal love is better than egoism, non-violence is better than violence, and peace is better than war”.
Wish you all a prosperous School Day of non-violence and peace!
Ramesh Verma CMD, the 2nd Online Travel, Varanasi near Usha Guest House, Aktha
School Day of Non-violence ,January 30- Varanasi Travel & Tour


It is Gratefulness that makes us happy- Varanasi Travel

It is Gratefulness that makes us happy- Varanasi Travel It is not happiness that makes us grateful but the gratefulness that makes us happy .In positive psychology research, gratitude is strongly and consistently associated with greater happiness. Gratitude helps people feel more positive emotions, relish good experiences,…

Life is uncertain, eat dessert first – Varanasi Travel

Life is uncertain, eat dessert first – Varanasi Travel (The Second Online Travel, Pahariya Varanasi)   This is a quote attributed to Ernestine Ulmer, an American writer born in 1925, that my middle child, a son, has lived by since his birth,…


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International Women’s Day: Varanasi Travel the Second Online

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